About the Director

Rajiv Chandran 
Officer-in-Charge, UN Information Centre for India and Bhutan



Rajiv Chandran – A short Introduction

For 25 years, Mr. Rajiv Chandran has striven to create efficient communication and media strategies to strengthen UN outreach in South Asia and to facilitate better understanding in the region of the United Nations and its complex processes.

As National Information Officer for the United Nations in India and Bhutan, Mr. Chandran has created a unique branding for his office; today, UNIC New Delhi is the accepted source of authentic information on the UN. Always approachable, honest and frank on what he can deliver (or not, as the case may be), Chandran is respected in journalistic circles for his commitment to his profession and the international organization he so enthusiastically represents.

A media professional who has worked in television, radio and the print media, Chandran is committed to catalyzing youth on universal values espoused by the United Nations. He is a spirited public speaker and travels all over the country addressing youth on a plethora of UN issues: political, social and economic.

Among his achievements at the UN Information Centre are his abilities to synergize new creative partnerships to promote UN causes, editing of the prestigious UN Newsletter for 23 years, and creating a culture of transparency at the UN Information Centre.

In 2010, he was conferred the prestigious National Award for Best Information Officer by the Journalist Federation of India. In 2014, the Media Press Club bestowed on him the title of Rashtriya Media Rattan.

To celebrate the seventieth anniversary of the United Nations in 2015, Mr. Chandran conceptualized a special UN outreach campaign yoUNg@70 that promoted the United Nations amongst youth audiences in India and Bhutan. He has also conceptualized a coffee-table book highlighting 70 years history of India and the United Nations.

He has also been an ardent advocate for the spread of UN awareness amongst different groups in all the North-East states of India.

Mr. Chandran firmly believes in and widely promotes the universal values the UN represents.