Together We Heal, Learn and Shine

3 years ago

Every year on June 20, the world commemorates the courage of refugees and honour their resilience. World Refugee Day provides…

Making peace with nature

3 years ago

A decade of protecting and reviving the ecosystem will help India in various ways There has never been a more…

Responding To Triple Crises Of Environment, COVID-19 Pandemic And Hunger

3 years ago

World Environment Day: The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) estimates that due to the COVID crisis, the number of…

Interview with UN Resident Coordinator in India, Ms. Renata Dessallien

3 years ago

  The United Nations Resident Coordinator in India, Renata Dessallien, has said that the second wave of Covid-19 infection in…

‘I try to help others where I can’

3 years ago

Originally from Iran, Ghaffar Darabian was forced to flee the country and arrived in Pune, India in 1994. Since then,…

India’s nurse-midwives save lives across the entire life cycle

3 years ago

Sugandha Sadappa with her daughter When Sugandha Sadappa met her three-year-old daughter after 21 days, she couldn’t hold back her…

COVID-19 and children

3 years ago

The second wave of COVID-19 in India has left parents looking for information on protecting their children and the steps…

Protecting children in the age of AI

3 years ago

Their rights, privacy, and well-being must be protected in digital environments just as they are in the physical world We…

Responsible AI—the need for ethical guard rails

3 years ago

Without adequate safeguards, AI can widen social and economic schisms, leading to discriminatory outcomes Since Czech writer Karel Čapek first…

Beyond the barriers of disability

4 years ago

The differently abled community offers a vast potential that can be tapped with the right steps   Nearly 75 years…