Conditions for collaboration

The UNIC is happy to offer the following forms of assistance to conferences that meet the criteria for collaboration. MUN Clubs and individual delegates can also approach us for similar support.

  • Planning and Organizing Assistance
  • Branding Assistance
  • Research and Information Assistance
  • Guest or Expert Speaker Recommendations
  • Certificates
  • MUN Calendar Online
  • Social Media

Planning and Organizing Assistance

In an effort to bring Model UN procedure closer to the actual functioning of the UN, a detailed guide has been prepared, containing information regarding the background of the UN, organizational structure and leadership roles, committee structures, position papers and committee documents, rules of debate, and negotiation and resolution procedure. We recommend that conferences aiming to align themselves closer with the realities of UN functioning follow the format provided in the guidebook as closely as possible.

The guidebook can be found here:

The detailed rules of procedure can be found here:

Branding Assistance

UNIC would be glad to associate itself with and endorse conferences that meet our criteria by providing permission to use the UNIC logo in your event’s promotional material, strengthening the branding of the conference. The logo can be used to promote your conference with the phrase “organised in collaboration with the UN Information Centre for India and Bhutan” on all your Model UN products. “Only MUNs that have received collaborations from the UNIC are allowed to use the logos of the United Nations and its organs.”

Research and Information Assistance

Please see UNIC’s Guide to MUN Research which can be accessed here. We are also happy to provide any research assistance required with information about the United Nations as well as specific issues through books and reports in our library. The library at the UNIC office on 55 Lodi Estate in New Delhi is well equipped with documents, reports and books about the workings of the UN and broader issues and is open to use for visitors from 9 am to 1 pm and 2 pm to 5:30 pm. We cannot, however, send you any printed material due to resource constraints – please do not send us requests for the same.

For research/information assistance, please contact our Librarian, Dr. R.K. Sharma at

Guest or Expert Speaker Recommendations

Given sufficient advance notice and committee and agenda information, we can recommend and provide details of guest or expert speakers that you can contact to address the committees at your conference. If their schedule permits, we can also have the UNIC Director or other senior UNIC staff address the inaugural or closing ceremonies of the conference. However, kindly inform us three months in advance if you would like speakers for your sessions so that we have enough time to organize this. Please also indicate if your MUN/institution will be able to pay for the travel and accommodation of the speakers.


UNIC would also be pleased to endorse the conference further by signing the award certificates given for the event. However, we need to approve the design and content of the certificates for accuracy before they go to final printing. Further, we do not provide digital signatures, so the printed certificates must be delivered to our office.

MUN Calendar Online

UNIC maintains a calendar of the conferences in India that we collaborate with, where your conference can be featured as well. Please visit our Calendar page here and send us relevant details about your MUN in the format that has been displayed. This includes:

  • Number of committees
  • Names of committees
  • Committee agendas (if they have been decided upon)
  • Website/Facebook page (if applicable
  • Email address
  • Contact numbers

Social Media

Detailed updated information on the UN and its proceedings can be found on the following websites: and  News and updates on the work of the UN and UNIC in India are also available on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Do make sure your organising committee and MUN delegates like and follow these pages to keep up to date with UN developments.

UN India Facebook

UN India Twitter