How UNIC collaborates

The United Nations Information Centre, as the focal point for Model UN collaborations in the UN system. It is more than pleased to provide assistance to MUNs being organised in India and Bhutan, in the ways listed below. However, please do note that UNIC is unable to provide financial assistance under any conditions. Please familiarise yourself with the information provided below, and contact us with any questions or concerns at

All Model UN Conference organizers are requested to meet the following conditions to be eligible to collaborate with UNIC:

  • UNIC can only collaborate with conferences that are at least in their second annual session with a minimum of 10 different schools or colleges taking part. Please send us a report or website link of your last conference in order for us to confirm a minimum quality standard.
  • Please let us know at least 3 months in advance of your conference dates for any form of collaboration, to give us time to help you to our best ability. No last-minute requests can be entertained.
  • The UNIC promotes and gives preference to UN4MUN rules of procedures for MUN conferences as they accurately reflect the working of the UN. These procedures were developed by the UN Department of Global Communication (formerly Department of Public Information) to help organizers and participants in MUN conferences worldwide gain a more accurate experience. MUNs following other procedures may also apply.
  • UNIC will not collaborate with MUN conference that work for profit. We also discourage MUNs from charging high delegate fees from participants.

We need the following documents to approve a collaboration.

    • Audit form/event report of your last conference, in the Excel sheet format available here.
    • Newsletters, resolutions and photographs from your last conference.
    • Committees, agendas, dates, venue and expected number of delegates for your upcoming conference. Please note that while unconventional political committees (future, historic, Indian, international) are accepted, we discourage the simulation of fictional or non-political committees.

Please ensure that an event report is sent to us after the closure of the conference. A sample event report could be found here. Please go through the document and ensure that the requested information is collected during the conference.

Policy on non-UN Committees: UNIC discourages the simulation of fictional committees in a Model UN conference, but historical or future committees, crisis committees, and non-UN political bodies are acceptable. All collaborations are at the discretion of UNIC.

To request collaboration, please write to Please note again that requests for financial assistance cannot be entertained.