GEFI Reports

Teaching and learning: Achieving quality for all – Education for All Global Monitoring Report, 2013-2014

This year’s EFA Global Monitoring Report vividly underlines the fact that people in the most marginalized groups have continued to be denied opportunities for education over the decade. It is not too late, however, to accelerate progress in the final stages.

Early Childhood Care and Education
At the close of the 2000s, the Asia-Pacific region reviewed regional and national progress toward the EFA goals and targets. The resulting Asia-Pacific End of Decade Notes on Education for All take stock of the progress, persisting issues and remaining challenges in achieving each EFA goal.
Quality and Diversity in Early Childhood Education

A view from Andhra Pradesh, Assam and Rajasthan

The survey is part of a larger, multi-strand, longitudinal research which explores the differential impact, immediate and medium term variations in quality of early childhood experiences of children on their levels of school readiness at age 5, and subsequently on their cognitive and socio-emotional levels through the next three years.

Global Education Digest, 2012: Opportunities Lost – the impact of grade repetition and early school leaving

In the run-up to 2015, policymakers at both national and international levels are looking to assess the extent to which education and development targets have been achieved, especially since 2000. The report finds that globally 32.2 million pupils repeated a grade in primary education and 31.2 million left school before achieving the last grade of this education level in 2010.

Higher education in Asia, expanding out, expanding up: the rise of graduate education and university research

Enrolment in higher education has experienced explosive growth across Asia over the last 20 years, the result of high birth rates, increasing school participation rates, and the perceived importance of advanced education in subsequent life opportunities.

World Atlas of Gender Equality in Education

Given the importance of education in general and gender equality in education in particular, it seemed appropriate to find a way to present data on progress towards EFA in a manner that would be accessible to a general audience. This Atlas is designed to do just that.

The Contribution of early childhood education to a sustainable society

This report originates from the international workshop, ‘The Role of Early Childhood Education for a Sustainable Society’, jointly organized in Göteborg, Sweden, by Göteborg University, Chalmers University of Technology and the City of Göteborg, from 2 to 4 May 2007.

Education Transforms Lives

As India has one of the world’s highest child mortality rates, the latest UN study says that rate would have been down by three-fifths had women in the country completed secondary education. If all women in India had completed secondary education, the under-five mortality rate would be 61 percent lower, notes the report published by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). The all global monitoring report has been released on the eve of the UN general assembly discussions on the post-2015 development agenda.

Education for All Mid-Decade Assessment: India and Education for all: Status and Trends

India, as a signatory to the Declaration, has consistently pursued the six Education for All (EFA) goals that cover early childhood care and education, access to good quality free and compulsory primary education, learning needs of young people and adults, adult literacy, achieving gender equality and improving quality of education.

Quality Education Package for primary schools
According to research, a child’s participation in school and the amount that he or she learns is dependent on several factors such as familial influences, education, occupation and income. Other household and school-related factors are also important.