Indian organizations

Sessions of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (OWG) Participating organizations from India
5th Session OWG (25 Nov 2013 – 27 Nov 2013, UNHQ, New York)


– Sustained and inclusive economic growth, macroeconomic policy questions (including international trade, international financial system and external debt sustainability), infrastructure development and industrialization;

– Energy.

Indian National Trade Union Congress

INTUC is the trade union wing of the Indian National Congress with an affiliation to the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). They were the convener for the Trade Unions group for the India National Consultation on the post 2015 development framework, and brought together thousands of representatives from eleven of the twelve Central Trade Unions and associations for the consultations.

6th Session OWG (9 Dec 2013 – 13 Dec 2013, UNHQ, New York)


– Means of implementation (science and technology, knowledge-sharing and capacity building); Global partnership for achieving sustainable development;

– Needs of countries in special situations, African countries, LDCs, LLDCs, and SIDS as well as specific challenges facing the middle-income countries;

– Human rights, the right to development, global governance.

Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action (YUVA) Rural

YUVA Rural is an organization of young people committed for a social transformation through socio-economic and political empowerment of the poor and marginalized, with a special focus on Dalits.

Women’s Research and Action Group (WRAG)

WRAG is a research and advocacy-group with a gender, law and human rights perspective that works in partnership with movements, networks and community-based organisations to promote social and legal status of women, especially those from underprivileged and marginalized communities.

Indian Institute for Paralegal Studies (IIPLS)/ Centre for Social Justice (CSJ)

IIPLS is a virtual system of organisations across India committed to improving the quality of paralegal training and legitimizing the role of a paralegal within the justice delivery system in the country.

7th session of the OWG (6 Jan 2014 – 10 Jan 2014, UNHQ, New York)


– Sustainable cities and human settlements, sustainable transport;

– Sustainable consumption and production (including chemicals and waste);

– Climate change and disaster risk reduction.

National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights

NCDHR is committed to the elimination of discrimination based on caste. It is a democratic, secular platform led by Dalit women and men activists, with support and solidarity from movements and organisations, academics, individuals, people’s organisations and institutions throughout the country who are committed to work to protect and promote human rights of Dalits focusing on women and children.

Oxfam India

Oxfam India’s focuses its work on empowering the poor and marginalized to demand their rights, engaging the non-poor to become active and supportive citizens, advocating for an effective and accountable state and making markets work for poor and marginalized people. They were a very active part of the coalition of WNTA, the conveners of the civil society group for the India National Consultation on the post 2015 development framework, and contributed substantively to the discussions on poverty, sustainable development and gender.

Public Advocacy Initiatives for Rights and

Values in India (PAIRVI)

PAIRVI works on capacity building of grassroots voluntary organisations in Northern and Central India, promoting and encouraging awareness on human rights, particularly on child rights, right to food and livelihood and right to economic and environmental justice.

Restless Development

Restless Development is an arm of the UK-based youth led development agency and has a network of more than 100,000 school youth and 250 rural communities in south India. They were one of the four co-conveners of the youth group of the India National Consultation on the post 2015 development framework, and reached out to about 90,000 young persons in four Indian states for the consultation.

Wada Na Todo Abhiyan (WNTA)

WNTA is a coalition of 4,000 organisations that works to end poverty and social exclusion. They were the convener for the civil society group of the India National Consultation on the post 2015 development framework, and organized 13 meetings including five thematic, three academic, four regional and one national for the Consultation. It is one of the strongest Indian participants in the discussions of the General Assembly Open Working Group on sustainable development goals.

8th session of the OWG (3 Feb 2014 – 7 Feb 2014, UNHQ, New York


– Oceans and seas, forests, biodiversity;

– Promoting equality, including social equity, gender equality and women’s empowerment;

– Conflict prevention, post-conflict peacebuilding and the promotion of durable peace, rule of law and governance.

All India Dalit Mahila Adhikar Manch, (All India Dalit Women Forum)

AIDMAM is a forum of Dalit Women (formerly known as untouchables) committed to challenging the nexus of patriarchy, caste, culture and class oppression, exploitation and marginalization of Dalit Women. There are an estimated 80 million Dalit women in India and constitute a distinct social category of the Indian population.

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)

CII is a non-government, not-for-profit, industry-led and industry-managed organization, that has a membership of over 7100 organisations from the private as well as public sectors, including SMEs and MNCs; and an indirect membership of over 90,000 enterprises from about 300 national and regional industry bodies. They were the convener of the Industry group for the India National Consultation on the post 2015 development framework, and organized 24 state and one national consultation for the process.

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS)

MKSS is a an organisation of workers and peasants that is responsible for the drafting of some of India’s most important rights based legislations, including the Right to Information and the largest employment guarantee programme in the world, the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA).


Oxfam India’s focuses its work on empowering the poor and marginalized to demand their rights, engaging the non-poor to become active and supportive citizens, advocating for an effective and accountable state and making markets work for poor and marginalized people. They were a very active part of the coalition of WNTA, the conveners of the civil society group for the India National Consultation on the post 2015 development framework, and contributed substantively to the discussions on poverty, sustainable development and gender.

Restless Development

Restless Development is an arm of the UK-based youth led development agency and has a network of more than 100,000 school youth and 250 rural communities in south India. They were one of the four co-conveners of the youth group of the India National Consultation on the post 2015 development framework, and reached out to about 90,000 young persons in four Indian states for the consultation.

Women in Governance – India

Members of WinG-India represent marginalized communities across India and work towards promoting leadership within local governance. The organization also works with Dalit women and women affected by conflict in Northeast India and other parts of the country.

Wada Na Todo Abhiyan (WNTA)

WNTA is a coalition of 4,000 organisations that works to end poverty and social exclusion. They were the convener for the civil society group of the India National Consultation on the post 2015 development framework, and organized 13 meetings including five thematic, three academic, four regional and one national for the Consultation. It is one of the strongest Indian participants in the discussions of the General Assembly Open Working Group on sustainable development goals.

Save the Children India

Save the Children in India works across 15 states on issues such as child survival, child protection and education and were an active participant of the civil society consultations for the India National Consultation on the post 2015 development framework.

YP Foundation

Youth-led organization that supports young people to create programme and influence policies in the areas of gender, sexuality, health and rights, education, digital media, the arts and governance.

Hindustan Times

New Delhi Television (NDTV)

10th session of the OWG (31 Mar 2014 – 4 Apr 2014, UNHQ, New York)

Member states discussed about proposed focus areas through the following clusters:

Cluster 1

– Poverty eradication

– Promote equality

Cluster 2

– Gender equality and women’s empowerment

– Education

– Employment and decent work for all

– Health and population dynamics

Cluster 3

– Water and sanitation

– Sustainable agriculture, food security, and nutrition

Cluster 4

– Economic growth

– Industrialization

– Infrastructure

– Energy

Cluster 5

– Sustainable cities and human settlements

– Promote Sustainable Consumption and Production

– Climate

Cluster 6

– Conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, oceans and seas

– Ecosystems and biodiversity

Cluster 7

– Means of implementation/Global partnership for sustainable development

Cluster 8

– Peaceful and non-violent societies, rule of law and capable institutions

Wada Na Todo Abhiyan (WNTA)

WNTA is a coalition of 4,000 organisations that works to end poverty and social exclusion. They were the convener for the civil society group of the India National Consultation on the post 2015 development framework, and organized 13 meetings including five thematic, three academic, four regional and one national for the Consultation. It is one of the strongest Indian participants in the discussions of the General Assembly Open Working Group on sustainable development goals.