Laws and Son Preference in India – A Reality Check

The 163 page UNFPA report undertaken by Advocate Kirti Singh, Former Member, Law Commission of India is a no-holds barred, reality check of Indian laws and policies that inadvertently propagate son preference in Indian society. Through the review of laws and the gaps, the study reveals that unless the vicious cycle of discrimination is addressed and the legal, social and economic status of a daughter improves, son preference is likely to continue.

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Laws and Son Preference in India

A new UNFPA study ‘Laws and Son Preference in India’ released by Dr. Syeda Hameed, Member, Planning Commission, examines laws and policies that inadvertently propagate a preference for sons in Indian society’.

Planning and gender-based violence

Dr. Syeda Hameed, Member, Planning Commission on key monitorable targets in the 12th Five Year Plan that aim to improve India’s child sex ratio.

Preference for Sons

Kirti Singh, Advocate and Former Member, Law Commission of India outlines key findings from a new UNFPA study on ‘Law and Son Preference in India: A Reality Check’.

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Press Coverage

Some Indian laws reinforce gender inequality, UN study finds
[Date: 15 November 2013, Source: Reuters India, Author: Nita Bhalla]

Some Indian laws reinforce gender inequality, UN study finds
[Date: 14 November 2013, Source: The Financial Express]

UNFPA report reviews laws on women, impact on son preference
[Date: 15 November 2013, Source: The Economic Times]

Separate law against honour killings sought
[Date: 15 November 2013, Source: The Times of India]