Main Kuch Bhi Kar Sakti Hoon – Radio Series – Synopsis

Episode 52
Madhok arrests Prabhakar and Kamlesh. In the press conference, Dr. Jain, appreciates Sneha and Sumit’s work and offers them their jobs back in Maanavta. Sneha decides to give up her job to work in the heart of the village to fight the social barriers. Arjun comes over to apologise to Sneha and asks if she could be part of his life. But Sneha turns down his request and agrees to stay in touch as friends. She is determined to fulfil her mission all by herself. Download – Episode 52

Episode 51
Munna hands over the photographs and the proof of Dheeraj’s confession to Madhok. He shows the same to the editor and asks him to get it verified from the lab to clear all doubts. The editor found the proof to be genuine and publishes his ‘apology note’ in the newspaper. Download – Episode 51

Episode 50
Sumit could not deal with the humiliation of losing his job. Just as he was leaving for Delhi, he receives a call from Sneha. She tells him that running away from the problem is not the solution and that they should fight this injustice together. She reminds him of his promise that he would always stand by her as a colleague and an old college friend. Sumit stays on. Munna searches Dheeraj’s belongings and finds fake IDs, uniform of Maanavta and the photographs. Dheeraj confesses to the crime stating that he edited the photographs and gave false statement on behalf of Munna. Arjun admits to Ashima that he cannot forget Sneha. Ashima is heartbroken and leaves. Download – Episode 50

Episode 49
The man who was supposed to meet at the station duped Dheeraj. He has nowhere to go, no money and is now jobless. Moreover he cannot disclose the chain of events to anyone. He returns back to Munna, and pleads him to give him a job. Poorab comes to Sneha’s rescue. A second story in the newspaper stated that a patient lost his life due to Dr. Sneha and Dr.Sumit’s negligence as they were busy in a birthday celebration. Munna is also targeted in the story now. This makes Munna think about the lost photographs. Sneha decides to file a complaint and register a case against the editor of the newspaper. Download – Episode 49

Episode 48
Dr. Jain joins Maanavta and expresses his view to stand by Sneha and Sumit as they worked for Maanavta. Mr. Dutta is not in favour and he resigns from the post of Chaiperson of the organization. Dheeraj is in a hurry to leave Pratappur after taking the money from the man, who he is supposed to meet at the railway station. He rejects the job offer in Maanavta and leaves. Munna and the photographer are searching for photographs but in vain. Madhok calls the editor to the police station for enquiry but could not find any evidence against him. Download – Episode 48

Episode 47
Kamlesh gets bail and is released from prison. He promises Dr. Pal that he will also try to seek his release on bail. The game show is now carried out at the Aanganwadi centre. The villagers are made aware of the fact that the contribution of both parents is required to run a family. Prabhakar demands for the adjacent plot of land. Chowdhary agrees on the condition that he would publish another story very soon. Download – Episode 47

Episode 46
People are enraged and feel strongly against Maanavta. Maanavta is provided police protection. Sneha feels devastated. The sets designed for the game show are dismantled. Her dream is shattered. Mr. Dutta blames Sumit and Sneha and tells them that they can no longer work for Maanavta now. Kamlesh and Dr. Pal are very happy in prison and the identity of the unknown person is finally revealed. He is Dheeraj, the ward boy and not the photographer. His desire to seek revenge is fulfilled. Munna duped him by luring him with the prospect of a job at Maanavta and humiliated him. Download – Episode 46

Episode 45
Prabhakar, the owner of the newspaper pressurizes the editor to publish photographs of Sneha and Sumit to increase sales. Arjun avoids Madhok. So, Madhok decides to come over to Arjun’s office. Arjun leaves for the court, forgetting his cell phone in the office. Ashima calls Arjun on his cell phone and Madhok picks up the call. Ashima mentions about the night before and Madhok gets to know of Arjun and Ashima’s level of initimacy. He disconnects the phone without speaking. Next morning the newspaper carries the story along with photographs of Sneha and Sumit. People are shocked. Sneha is speechless but feels a sense of relief that her family stands by her. Mr. Dutta blames Sumit and Sneha for adversely affecting the reputation of Maanavta. Madhok feels ignored and in order to bid good bye to Arjun comes down to his office, where he gets a call from Mr. Dutta and thus Arjun also comes to know about the newspaper article. Arjun gets one more reason to blame Sneha and Sumit. Download – Episode 45

Episode 44
Arjun is lonely and sad. His close friend, Madhok, is not by his side. He drinks to get over his misery. He suffers a breakdown before Ashima and they both share a moment together. Buaji is happy that people recognise her as the host of the game show. Mr. Dutta and Sneha are happy with the telecast of the show on National TV and its growing popularity. Munna catches the photographer again talking in a suspicious manner. The photographer gives excuses when Munna tries to enquire. Dheeraj joins the photographer as his assistant. The show receives appreciation from different social organisations. Arjun makes excuses and avoids talking to Madhok. Download – Episode 44

Episode 43
Madhok calls Arjun and asks him to pick him up from the Mumbai airport. Buaji gets ready for the evening show. Kishan meets Prabhakar at an isolated place and hands over the photographs. In the evening Buaji, Munna and Neelima host the show together. Madhok tries to tell Arjun understand that Sneha took the decision to stay at Pratappur for a good cause. She wants to do good for people. But Arjun is reluctant to believe the same. Download – Episode 43

Episode 42
Buaji is has a shift in perspective after participating in Khel Khel Mein Mel and when the Pandit she consults does not agree with her view that the game is an important means of educating people, she asks him to leave. Buaji’s change of heart makes her host Khel Khel Mein Mel along with Munna.

Meanwhile, the identity of the mysterious man who visited Dr. Pal and Kamlesh Chowdhary in the jail is revealed. He is Kishan, a close aide of Advocate Verma. Dr. Pal asks Kishan to click the photographs that he had brought to Prabhakarji, who owns a newspaper. Kamlesh Chowdhary asks Kishan to let Prabhakarji know that he will be out of jail soon. Download – Episode 42

Episode 41
Dr. Sneha gets a call from Munna regarding an urgent case at the hospital but before leaving she apologizes to Preeta for getting angry at her. On reaching the hospital she is more than happy. The Maanavta team had thrown her a surprise birthday party for her.

While discussing a case, Ashima asks Arjun to accompany her for a long drive. During the drive, Ashima tells Arjun that she likes him and would wait to hear how he feels about her.

At Pratapur, the second round of Khel Khel Mein Mel begins at Mathur Niwas. This time, couples participate together and are educated about various methods of contraception. Download – Episode 41

Episode 40
The day starts with Panditji’s visit to Mathur Niwas, where he gives Buaji nariyal ke baal and nimbu ka haar to be kept under Dr Sneha’s bed and in her cupboard respectively. In return he takes an electronic gadget that belongs to Buaji’s as the fee for providing her with the solutions for salvaging Arjun and Sneha’s relationship.

Arjun and his new colleague Ashima go to a coffee shop where Ashima tells him that he is the reason for her taking up the job at the firm.

Meanwhile in Maanavta Hospital, Dr. Sneha invites Dr. Sumit to be a specialist for the show – Khel Khel Mein Mel.

At Mathur Niwas, before starting the game, Munna and Neelima introduce Dr. Sumit and Dr. Sneha and the participants of Khel Khel Mein Mel to the audience. Meanwhile, Buaji sneaks into Dr. Sneha’s room and hides the nariyal ke baal and nimbu ka haar. Later at night Preeta asks Dr. Sneha if she and Dr. Sumit are more than friends. On hearing this Sneha gets angry at Preeta. Download – Episode 40

Episode 39
Dr. Sumit enters Dr. Sneha’s cabin and tries to console her as she feels that she has disappointed Babuji by calling off her engagement. In jail, Kamlesh Chowdhary is upset about the popularity that Dr. Sneha’s show Khel Khel Mein Mel is gaining among the people of Pratapur.

At Mathur Niwas, Babuji consoles Dr. Sneha and feels sorry for getting angry at her. Dr Sneha then tells him that she wants to give back to society by staying in Pratapur and not in Mumbai, to which Babuji tells her that she is not alone in this journey and that he will always be there for her.

While rehearsing as the host for Khel Khel Mein Mel, Munna instills Neelima with the confidence to speak in front of everyone and they also ask Mithi to be part of the game show as the score-keeper.

Meanwhile, an unidentified man goes to meet Dr. Pal and Kamlesh Chowdhary in jail and shows them a photograph of Dr. Sumit and Dr. Sneha. Dr Pal tells the unidentified man that he would be paid handsomely once they are out of jail. Download – Episode 39

Episode 38
Sneha’s parents immediately return (from Bhopal) to Pratapur on learning about the problem between Arjun and her. Buaji informs Babuji about Arjun’s father’s second marriage and also casts aspersions on Arjun’s character.

Meanwhile, Neelima invites everyone in the village for the informative quiz that would be organized at Mathur Niwas.

At Maanavta, compounder Dheeraj approaches Munna for a job at the hospital. Meanwhile, Dr. Sneha asks Dr. Sumit as to why he visited Arjun, and ends up becoming more upset when she hears that Arjun doubts her loyalty.

In Mumbai, Ashima Mittal, Arjun’s new colleague at office, requests Arjun to go out for a coffee with her. Download – Episode 38

Episode 37
An unidentified man visits Dr. Pal in jail and tells him that Dr. Sneha’s engagement is off and that Dr. Sneha and Dr. Sumit were in a relationship a long time ago.

At the Anganwadi, Neelima and Mithi educate community members on the issue of anemia among girls/women and the importance of eating green vegetables and soya. They even taught them to plant vegetables in their own houses, creating a ‘Hara Angan’ (green garden). Neelima announces about the new game show that will take place in Pratapur at Mathur Niwas, called Khel Khel Mein Mel.

Meanwhile, Dr. Sumit visits Arjun in Mumbai and tries to convince Arjun that there is nothing between him and Dr. Sneha, but Arjun refuses to believe him and asks him to leave.

At Mathur Niwas, Buaji overhears Preeta and Dr. Sneha talk about the broken engagement and instantly informs Babuji. Download – Episode 37

Episode 36
SP Madhok visits Dr. Sneha at Maanavta hospital and tells her that Arjun had called him, inquiring about her friendship with Dr. Sumit. Dr. Sneha tells SP Madhok that she used to study with Dr. Sumit in college and that Arjun had misunderstood the situation, as a result of which they have ended their engagement. SP Madhok advises Sneha to be careful as some people in Pratapur are angry with her and harbor intentions of harming her.

At the Anganwadi, Mithi informs Lata didi that she has rejoined school and will be able to teach children after her school hours.

Meanwhile, Munna and Neelima visit Kailash’s house where Munna tells Kailash to either use a condom or get a vasectomy done. Dr. Sneha invites Neelima and Munna at Mathur Niwas, and discusses about an innovative idea to educate people about health related issues through organizing a quiz show. Download – Episode 36

Episode 35
At Mathur Niwas, Buaji and Dr. Sneha get into a heated argument over Arjun’s family history and Buaji tells Dr. Sneha that her relationship with Arjun will not last long. Dr. Sneha tells Buaji that she went to Mumbai to inform Arjun that she will not be returning to Mumbai but working with Maanavta in Pratapur instead.

Mithi rejoins school and is delighted to pursue her studies once again. Buaji speaks to a new Pandit in order to resolve differences between Dr. Sneha and Arjun.

At the Anganwadi, Mithi presents a play along with other members, which focused on the importance of breast feeding a new born child exclusively for the first six months.
Meanwhile, Dr. Pal and Kamlesh Chowdhary decide to keep a close watch on Dr. Sneha to seek revenge. Download – Episode 35

Episode 34
Dr. Dutta informed an ailing Dr. Jain that in Maanavta’s hour of need Dr. Sneha can indeed rise to the occasion. Arjun calls Dr. Sumit and questions him about his relationship with Dr Sneha. He accuses Dr. Sumit for influencing Sneha and making her stay back at Maanavta. Dr. Sneha visits Dr. Jain and tells him that she will be working at Maanavta for a while. Dr. Sumit tells Dr. Sneha about his conversation with Arjun and as a friend advises her to reconsider before ending her relationship with Arjun.

Neelima educates the women of Pratapur about the benefits of Copper-T. Meanwhile, Kamlesh Chowdhary meets Dr. Pal in jail and conspires against Dr. Sneha. Download – Episode 34

Episode 33
Mishraji goes to Mathur Niwas to celebrate the news of his daughter giving birth to a girl, greeting Buaji with sweets. Preeta congratulates Mishraji and shows him Sneha and Arjun’s engagement album. He recognizes Arjun and tells Buaji that Arjun had lost his mother at a young age and that his father married again.

Meanwhile, Mithi teaches life skills to adolescents at the Aanganwadi. Dr. Sneha is disappointed in Arjun for doubting her relationship with Dr. Sumit. Dr. Sneha meets Dr. Saxena in Mumbai and informs him that she has taken the decision to work at Maanavta and offers her resignation. Dr. Saxena tries to convince her to stay back in Mumbai but Dr. Sneha sticks to her decision. Download – Episode 33

Episode 32
Preeta prepares food for Buaji and asks Mithi to serve it. Buaji refuses to eat because it is being served by Mithi. Suddenly, Buaji falls down and Mithi helps her get up and also makes her eat some food.
 At Maanavta, Dr. Dutta tells Dr. Sumit that he has asked Dr. Sneha to stay back. Meanwhile, Neelima visits a family and tells a newly married woman to give birth after 2-3 years of marriage in order to stay healthy. Neelima educates her about the benefits of oral contraceptive pills.

Arjun calls SP Madhok and inquires about Dr. Sneha and Dr. Sumit’s friendship. Dr. Sneha surprises Arjun by visiting him at his office and tells him that Dr. Dutta offered her a job in Maanavta. Arjun taunts her about her photograph with Dr. Sumit that he accidentally found in the book given by Dr. Saxena. The conversation turns into a confrontation and Arjun ends up returning the engagement ring. Dr. Sneha, feeling betrayed by Arjun for questioning her character, also returns the engagement ring. Download – Episode 32

Episode 31
Dr. Sneha prevents Dr. Jain from succumbing to a cardiac arrest through her quick action. While at Maanavta, Dr. Jain is informed by Dr. Sumit that his sons will visit him soon. Munna gets very affected by Dr. Jain’s heart attack as he has always shared a deep bond with Dr. Jain, and is consoled by Dr. Sneha. Dr. Dutta tries to persuade Dr. Sneha to stay at Maanavta, but Dr. Sneha politely tells Dr. Dutta that a big decision like this would have to include Arjun’s endorsement and that she would be able to decide on the matter after meeting him in Mumbai.

Meanwhile, Purab and Ratna are about to leave for Bhopal. Since, Sneha cannot come to the station to say goodbye to Purab, she calls him and reassures him that she is always there for him. Arjun is very excited about Sneha’s arrival and meets Dr. Saxena, who gives him a book to return to Sneha where Arjun finds an old photograph of Dr. Sumit and Dr. Sneha. Download – Episode 31

Episode 30

Dr Sneha hands over Seema’s house keys to Sarla Devi and her group. The ASHA is introduced to Dr Sneha by Sarla Devi. On being acquainted with the ASHA’s work, Dr Sneha encourages her to keep up the good work. Arjun calls Dr Sneha to resolve their differences and succeeds in doing so. Dr Jain suffers a cardiac arrest.

At Mathur Niwas, Purab and Ratna are planning to leave for Bhopal. Purab requests Babuji and Maa to come along. In prison, Kamlesh Chowdhary gets into an argument with SP Madhok not knowing that SP Madhok has strong evidence against him. After knowing that SP Madhok has got substantial evidence against him, Kamlesh tries to bribe him. Download – Episode 30

Episode 29

While looking at the engagement photographs, at Mathur Niwas, Babuji asks Dr Sneha to call Arjun over for dinner. Dr Sneha tells Babuji that Arjun has already left for Mumbai due to some urgent work. Babuji feels that Dr Sneha is hiding something from him.

Meanwhile, at Maanavta Hospital, the ASHA tells Gayatri about Copper-T and how an IUD can be inserted 48 hours after the delivery. She further explains her that a new born child must be breastfed by the mother for six months (at least). Shankar asks about the village custom, according to which the mother should not have a meal for three days, to which the ASHA replies that the mother should eat well for her own health and that of her child. Meanwhile, at the board meeting it is decided that Dr Sumit will be taking over from Dr Poonam as the in-charge of Maanavta Hospital. Download – Episode 29

Episode 28

Dr Sneha calls SP Madhok to inquire about Arjun but SP Madhok did not have any idea about his whereabouts. Meanwhile, Purab tells Sneha that he and his family (wife and children) would leave for Bhopal the next day. On hearing this Buaji is upset and she blames Sneha for Purab’s decision. Purab consoles Sneha that she shouldn’t feel upset about what Buaji said and that he is proud to have a sister like her. At Maanavta Hospital, Dr Jain tells Dr Sumit that he should be in charge of running the hospital now (as Dr Poonam had left). Mithi gives Dr Sneha bangles that belonged to Arjun’s mother along with a letter from him stating that he is upset and is leaving for Mumbai. Download – Episode 28

Episode 27
While Sneha and Arjun’s engagement celebrations are on, SP Madhok gets a call that Sarla Devi has been attacked and is being rushed to Maanavta Hospital. Sneha asks Arjun to take her to the hospital so that she can attend to Sarla Devi. They both argue on the way as Arjun is upset that they had to leave the celebrations to attend to Sarla Devi. After reaching the hospital, Dr Jain informs Sneha that Sarla Devi is out of danger and that she should return home. Sneha stays on to meet Sarla Devi. Meanwhile Kamlesh Choudhary instructs his goons, who attacked Sarla Devi, to go into hiding. At Mathur Niwas, Buaji is angry that Sneha left the engagement proceedings to attend to her duties and conveys her discontentment to Babuji. Babuji calls Sneha to ask her how long would it take her to get back. During the conversation, Sneha finds out that Arjun, who had left the hospital saying that he was heading for Mathur Niwas, had not reached there. Download – Episode 27

Episode 26

Arjun arrives at the Mathur Niwas for the engagement ceremony, surprising everyone, and revealing that SP Madhok was in fact joking. Kamlesh Chowdhary gets out of jail and immediately starts conspiring against Sarla Devi. On the other hand, Sarla Devi and company are busy preparing for Sneha’s engagement celebrations. Babuji is ecstatic and overwhelmed with emotions at Sneha’s engagement. Dr Sumit does not attend the engagement but sends a special message for Sneha and Arjun through SP Madhok. As the engagement ceremony is going on, Kamlesh Chowdhary threatens Sarla Devi and her house is set on fire. Download – Episode 26

Episode 25

The Mathur Niwas prepares for Sneha and Arjun’s engagement. Babuji reminisces about Sneha’s childhood and is overwhelmed with emotions. Munna goes to a photographer to hire him for the evening’s engagement function. Preeta helps Sneha to get ready for the function. Arjun’s father sends his wife’s bangles to Sneha as a gesture of blessing the couple. Meanwhile, as everyone is waiting eagerly for Arjun to arrive on time, SP Madhok enters and tells everyone that Arjun will not be coming. Download – Episode 25

Episode 24
The Mathur family is surprised at Sneha’s decision to bring Mithi to Mathur Niwas. Buaji and Babuji do not welcome Sneha’s decision and get into a heated argument with her. Sneha explains Mithi’s plight to Babuji and is able to convince him to make Mithi a member of their house. Meanwhile, Arjun informs Sneha that the engagement has to be preponed to the next day as he has to leave for Mumbai urgently for work. The news brings a wave of happiness in the Mathur family and they start preparing for the engagement. Download – Episode 24

Episode 23
Arjun has to leave urgently for Mumbai to attend a court hearing for his client. SP Madhok suggests that Arjun should get engaged to Sneha before returning to Mumbai. Both of them invite Dr. Sumit to the engagement. Meanwhile, journalist Neeti is about to leave for Delhi but Munna asks her to meet Dr. Jain, who informs her that Maanavta Trust is offering her a job. As the hospital would not be able to pay Neeti, Dr. Jain offers her his own salary. As a welcome gesture, Dr. Sneha gifts a video camera to Neeti. The warmth and affection from the team at Maanavta Hospital makes Neeti very emotional. Dr. Sneha visits Sarla Devi’s house to meet Mithi and with Sarla Devi’s permission, she takes Mithi to the Mathur Niwas. Purab informs Babuji that after Sneha’s engagement, he will shift to Bhopal along with his family to start a new life. While Babuji is happy with Purab’s decision, he is very surprised to learn that Sneha has decided to make Mithi a member of the Mathur Niwas. Download – Episode 23

Mithi’s husband dies in a road accident immediately after their wedding and Mithi is forced to live the life of a widow. Neeti shows the documentary she has prepared on Suman to Dr. Jain and his team and informs them that the channel is discontinuing the programme. Seema’s mother-in-law confesses to her and Ravi’s crime at the court but Digambar and Dr. Pal refuse to own up to their acts of crime. Seema’s mother-in-law gives their house to the Mathur family in the memory of Seema. Sarla Devi comes to Mithi’s rescue and takes her home to educate her and give her a new lease of life. Download – Episode 22

Sneha introduces Arjun to her family at Mathur Niwas. Buaji asks Arjun about his family. The Mathur family likes Arjun and Babuji approves of him. Sneha visits Dr. Jain at Maanavta hospital, where Neeti tells Sneha about Mithi and how she has been forced into child marriage. Sneha witnesses the death of Mithi’s husband at Maanavta hospital. Download – Episode 21

Episode- 20

Munna comes to Mithi’s wedding venue and meets Sarla Devi who asks him to stop the proceedings. Munna bumps into Dr. Pal’s ward boy Dhiraj who leads him to where Neeti and the mandli are captured. Dr. Poonam gets a visit from a 14-year-old girl called Bindiya who is pregnant. Dr Poonam meets Bindiya’s parents and scolds them for getting her married at the age of 10. She explains to them the health problems associated with bearing a child at Bindiya’s age and advises them on how to take care of her. Dr. Sneha feels bad on learning that Dr. Sumit is taking a leave due to her and Arjun. She goes to meet him and they get into a quarrel regarding their past. Arjun enters the room and the topic gets dismissed. Download – Episode 20

Episode- 19

TV reporter Neeti, with photographer Babloo’s help, plans to help Mithi escape her wedding. They go to Sarla devi’s mandli (group) to seek help. A crying Mithi, on the other hand, is getting ready for her wedding. Babloo reaches the wedding with Neeti and the mandli. Neeti manages to reach Mithi’s room and just as they’re about to run off, Neeti’s saree slid and people recognize her as the TV reporter. Mithi’s father orders his men to tie Neeti and the mandli in a room and hurriedly gets Mithi married against her wishes. Dr. Sneha is getting ready for SP Madhok’s party. At the party, SP Madho introduces Dr. Sumit to Arjun. Download – Episode 19

Episode- 18
Arjun reaches Pratapur with SP Madhok’s help, who is his childhood friend. Sneha is delighted to see him and leaves for the day with the two of them, but has to return to the hospital when Dr. Sumit objects to her leaving without due permission. The two of them get into a heated argument later over this. On the other hand, Mithi, a 12-year-old is being forced to see prospective grooms by her parents when she wants to study. Journalist Neeti intervenes in the hope of stopping Mithi’s marriage, and records her story without the knowledge of others. At Maanavta hospital, Gauri has recovered and her brother has come to take her home. Sneha inspires Gauri not to tolerate violence by her husband. She told her to stand up for herself. Download – Episode 18

Journalist Neeti makes a documentary on Suman’s life and her effort is greatly appreciated by Dr. Jain and Dr. Sneha. Buaji talks about getting Preeta married and they get into an argument as Preeta wants to study further. Purab visits Sneha at Maanavta Hospital and apologizes for his irresponsibility over the years. He also shares that he has got a job and would be moving to Bhopal with his family. Munna informs Sneha that she is in danger and that a well built man has come to deal with her. Sneha insists on meeting the man and to her surprise, the man turns out to be Arjun. Download – Episode 17


Suman is in a stable state now. Dr Sumit insists that Dr Sneha must go to the guest house & take rest. He walks her till the guest house & both reminisce about their past. Journalist Neeti meets Dr Jain and succeeds in convincing him to allow her to make a short film on the issue of child marriage. At the Pratapur court, Bablo photographer gives his statement incriminating Dr. Pal, Ravi and Inspector Digamber. The judge decides to extend their imprisonment. Purab is able to get a deserving job for himself as a result of his hard work. Dr Sumit & Dr Sneha try to save Suman’s life but in vain. Download – Episode 16

14-year old Suman is lying pregnant and unconscious in the hospital. Dr. Sneha and Dr. Sumit have an argument on whether they should inform the police or not. Sarla Devi, along with other women, protest against Kamlesh Chaudhry, Suman’s husband. In the meantime, SP Madhok sends constables and a photographer to lawyer Tej Verma’s house and they find unaccounted money and jewelry there. There is proof to suggest that Dr Pal, Tej Verma and Inspector Digambar are all involved in Seema’s case. SP Madhok also uncovers all forged accounts owned by Digambar. At the hospital, Munna and Inspector Gauri stop Kamlesh Chaudhry from seeing Suman, whose health is deteriorating. Dr. Sneha takes it onto herself to save Suman. Download – Episode 15

Episode 14
Upon seeing Ratna’s condition, Purab realizes all his mistakes and apologizes to Ratna. He blames himself for Ratna’s health condition and promises that he will change. Dr. Sneha receives a call from her senior – Dr. Saxena, who inquires about her plans to return to Mumbai. He also emphasizes that Arjun is lost without her and that she is a very important part of Arjun’s life. Sunil and his wife Jyoti come to Mathur Niwas to apologize for Ravi and his mother’s wrong doings. They empathize with the family for the loss of Ratna’s unborn child. Maanavta hospital has a new patient, 12-yr-old Suman who is a victim of abuse by her husband.Download – Episode 14

Episode 13
Buaji (aunt) indulges Purab and gives him money, not realizing that she is encouraging his misdeeds. Sneha gets into a heated argument with Buaji over this. Sunil and his wife come to the jail to meet SP Madhok. He tells his mother and Ravi that he will help them get out – only if they agree to adopting two daughters and naming one of them Seema. They agree. Ratna faints due to weakness during her pregnancy. Purab rushes to the hospital when he learns that Ratna has been admitted in the hospital. Sneha informs Purab that Ratna has lost her child and is under observation for the next 24 hours. Download – Episode 13

Episode 12
Dr. Sneha reflects on her fight with Arjun and recalls the first time they met in Mumbai. Purab goes to Buaji for money and on being denied he sells Kanchi’s bangle. SP Madhok meets Dr. Sneha and apologizes that she has been arrested under false charges by his department. He drops her home and thanks her for helping Gauri recover. The Mathur family has an emotional reunion. Arjun asks Sneha to come back to Mumbai but she refuses. SP Madhok takes Ravi and his mother to the jail, who calls her son Sunil for help just before she is locked up. Download – Episode 12

Episode 11
Munna is suspicious and recognizes Inspector Digambar from the photographs taken at Dr. Pal’s clinic. He informs Dr. Sumit who realizes that Dr Pal, Ravi and the lawyer bribed Digambar to arrest Dr. Sneha. Gauri regains consciousness and shares about the violence she has been suffering at her husband’s hands with Dr. Sneha. Inspector Digambar arrests Dr. Pal under instructions from SP Madhok; upon hearing of Dr. Pal’s arrest, Ravi and his mother make arrangements to run away but are caught by the police. In the meanwhile, Arjun is angry at Sneha for not answering his calls. Download – Episode 11

Episode 10
Gauri is under the medical care of Dr. Jain and Dr. Sneha at Maanavta Hospital. She tells Sneha about her husband’s abusive behavior towards her and how her injuries are due to domestic violence. On the other hand, a constable tells Munna that Dr. Sneha has been under custody for the past two days. Dr. Jain and SP Madhok are shocked to learn this and SP Madhok finds out about the charges under which Sneha has been booked. SP Madhok apologizes to Sneha for what has happened. Dr. Sumit drops Sneha to the hospital’s guest house. Inspector Digambar reaches Maanavta Hospital in a rage and wants to know why Sneha is no longer in jail. Download – Episode 10

Episode 9
As per the conspiracy of Dr. Pal, Ravi and Inspector Digambar, Dr. Sneha was arrested by Digambar on Friday night so that she could not get bail (as the court would be closed over the next two days). However, SP Madhok instructs Inspector Digambar to arrest Ravi and Dr. Pal within 12 hours. Dheeraj, Dr. Pal’s compounder, testifies in a video about Dr. Pal’s illegal practices. Ravi and Dr. Pal get into a quarrel with Inspector Digamber. Lady Sub-Inspector Gauri turned out to be Keshav Mathur’s student and shares with Sneha how her father had been an inspirational figure. However, Gauri suddenly falls ill at the police station and is rushed to Manavta Hospital under Dr. Sneha’s supervision. Download – Episode 9 

According to the conspiracy planned by Dr Pal, Ravi and Inspector Digambar, Sneha is brought to the police station. Inspector Digambar informs Sneha about the chargers levied against her. Sneha and Digambar argue as she demands her arrest warrant. Arjun is trying Sneha’s contact number but is unable to reach her. Keshav Mathur along with his friend, Mr. Mishra, tries his best to get Sneha released from the jail. Inspector Digambar suggests to Dr. Pal and Ravi that they change the number plates of their cars and go to Gorakhpur to avoid being arrested. Sneha’s family visits her in the jail. Download – Episode 8

As Mathur family is mourning Seema’s death, everyone is waiting for Ravi’s arrival to perform the last rites. Ravi and his family are not answering any phone calls. While Ravi, scared of social backlash, wants to perform the last rites, his mother stops him. In the meantime, Munna along with his photographer friend collects evidence against Dr. Pal, even as Dr. Pal along with Ravi and lawyer Tej Verma conspire against Sneha. In a dramatic turn of events, Dr. Pal is suspended from Maanavta Hospital and Inspector Digambar visits Mathur Niwas to take Sneha to the police station. Download – Episode 7

Episode 6
Sneha rushes Seema to Manavta Hospital. Seema’s condition is deteriorating as she has lost a lot of blood from her body during the abortion. Ravi shares his concern about Seema’s health with Dr. Pal but is more scared of the consequences he might have to face if something happens to Seema. Dr. Pal is confident that they will not be caught or punished for their act and tells him that Inspector Digamber, who is an accomplice, will take care of the situation. Sneha informs her family about Seema’s state. Ravi’s mother stops him from visiting Seema at the hospital. Dr. Poonam and Dr. Sumit try to save Seema but her vitals and blood pressure sinks. Seema is unable to survive her third abortion carried out in the sixth month and the Mathur family is left grief stricken. Download – Episode 6

Episode 5
Sneha and Preeta visit Seema’s house and to their surprise, Seema and Ravi are not at home. On inquiring, Seema’s mother in-law lies to them that they have travelled to Delhi to visit a good doctor. Seema’s greedy mother-in-law takes the gifts Sneha had got from Mumbai and asks them to leave. Sneha and Preeta suspect that Seema’s in-laws’ are hiding something. Jyoti, Seema’s sister-in-law, informs Sneha that Seema has been taken to the local hospital. Sneha and Preeta reach Manavta hospital where Sneha meets Dr. Sumit, her friend from medical college. But Seema and Ravi are not at the Manavta Hospital. Munna, then leads Sneha and Preeta to Dr. Pal’s clinic, where Dr. Pal is blackmailing Ravi for money to save Seema’s life as she is critical after the abortion. Sneha reaches Dr. Pal’s clinic and threatens to lodge a complaint about him for conducting illegal sex determination in his clinic. She further warns Ravi and Dr. Pal that they will be held responsible if something untoward happens to SeemaDownload – Episode 5

Episode 4

Seema has been forced to undergo an abortion twice earlier when sex determination tests confirmed that she was carrying a female foetus. This time around, the reports again confirm that her foetus is a female and her husband Ravi wants her to undergo an abortion once more. They hold her responsible for this although Seema explains that she is not responsible for the same. On the other hand, in the Mathur household, Ratna is very weak as she is pregnant for the fourth time after three closely spaced births, and Preeta takes care of her diet as per the advice of Dr. Poonam. In the middle of all this, Sneha pays a surprise visit to her family and they are delighted to see her… Download – Episode 4

Episode 3
Ravi and his mother want a son at any cost and hold Seems responsible for the sex of the foetus. Sneha’s sister-in-law Ratna is three months pregnant and anemic—she is under the care of Dr. Poonam from Manavta Hospital who is like a family member of the Mathur household. Despite her weakness Ratna decides to keep the Karvachauth fast for her husband Purab. Purab, however, comes late in the evening and is disrespectful towards his family and negligent of Ratna’s health. Manavta Hospital in Pratapur is a state of the art hospital built especially to cater to the poor. Dr. Pal, who works at the hospital, has been carrying on an illegal sex determination practice at his private clinic. Munna, who is a ward boy at Maanavta, finds out about this and reports to the Chairman Dr. Jain. Dr. Jain asks Munna to collect proof against Dr. Pal before taking the issue to the trustees of the hospital…Download – Episode 3

It is Karva Chauth, a Hindu festival, where the wife fasts for her husband’s long life and Preeta and her mother visit Seema’s house to present her with gifts for the occasion. Seema is pleased by their surprise visit but is tense and nervous. When Preeta wants to know why Seema is anxious and why she did not finish her conversation with Sneha, Seema’s mother-in-law asks them to leave saying that they are running late for the evening prayers. She also lies about Ravi’s whereabouts suggesting he has gone to purchase a gift for Seema where as he is at Dr. Pal’s clinic. She is angry with Seema for trying to get in touch with Sneha and taunts her other daughter-in-law Jyoti by referring to her as ‘burden’. Jyoti’s husband has not been living with the family for years. In the meantime, Ratna faints as she fasts for Purab, and Ravi returns with the report on sex determination…Download – Episode 2

Dr Sneha, the protagonist of the show, a successful medical doctor in Mumbai, introduces her family members. She begins with the dominating Buaji (aunt), her father Keshav Mathur’s elder sister who is a child widow; her younger sister Preeta who is a livewire; her mother Alka Mathur; her irresponsible brother Purab and his wife Ratna. Her father Keshav Mathur is a respected teacher in their home town Pratapur and is constantly worried about his son Purab’s reckless attitude towards life. Sneha also introduces her life in Mumbai and her friend Arjun. She then introduces her pregnant sister Seema and her husband Ravi. Ravi makes his wife undergo an illegal sex determination test as he wants a male child and visits Dr. Pal’s clinic to find out the result. Seema calls up Sneha to share her fears…Download – Episode 1