Panel Discussion: About the Speakers

Ms. Lise Grande, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative

Lise Grande is the UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in India. Lise has worked for the United Nations since 1994, serving in senior positions in Armenia, Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, East Timor, Haiti, Occupied Palestine, South Sudan, Sudan and Tajikistan.

Dr Indrani Gupta, Professor and Head, Health Policy Research Unit, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, India
Indrani Gupta is Professor and Head of the Health Policy Research Unit of the Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, India. Professor Gupta received her PhD in Economics from the University of Maryland, USA. She has been instrumental in setting up a centre for health economics and policy research in her institute, which remains one of the few places in India that undertakes policy-oriented research on the health sector. Her work experience has been varied, including teaching and academic institutes, the World Bank and the Government of India, where she worked as a career economist. Her areas of interest cover a wide range of topics, and include demand for health and health care, health insurance and financing, poverty and health, costing and cost-effectiveness, economics of diseases, and international agreements and their impact on public health.

Dr Nata Menabde, WHO Representative to India
Nata Menabde holds a PhD degree in Clinical Pharmacology, diplomas in Health Management and Leadership from USA and in Health Care Economics from UK. She also studied Public Health at Nordic School of Public Health, Sweden. Dr Menabde has a robust public health academic background and 30 years of experience as a health professional, during which she has built an extensive track record in public health and health systems at country and international levels. Prior to taking up her current job in India she worked as Deputy Regional Director of the WHO Regional Office for Europe. Dr Menabde has led WHO Regional office’s work on Health Systems and their relationships with health and wealth which culminated in adoption of Tallinn Charter on health systems. Dr Menabde’s track record also includes accomplishments in the areas of tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, non-communicable diseases and risk factors, climate change and other environmental concerns, health security, intellectual property rights and the social determinants of health. Dr Menabde has successfully partnered with key stakeholders such as the Council of Europe, the European Union, the European Commission, UNICEF, the World Bank, OECD, the Global Fund, the European Investment Bank and others to increase the effectiveness of WHO’s work.

Dr Vivian Lin, Director, Health Sector Development, World Health Organization Western Pacific Regional Office

Dr Vivian Lin provides support to countries and WHO country offices in a wide range of health system issues, including universal health coverage, health care financing, human resources, information systems, health system research, pharmaceuticals, laboratory services, blood safety, medical technologies, traditional medicine, service delivery models for both the public and private sector, and regulatory aspects of quality and safety. Dr Vivian has more than 30 years’ experience on public health, program development, planning, research and development. She was previously Professor of Public Health at La Trobe University, in Melbourne, and is the author of several leading textbooks in Australia, as well as on China. Vivian has also worked at senior levels in health policy in several Australian jurisdictions.

Dr Rüdiger Krech, Director, Office of the Assistant Director-General, Health Systems and Innovation (HIS), WHO, Geneva
As the Director of HIS, WHO, Geneva, Rudiger Krech facilitates coordination and coherence between the work streams of HIS and other clusters in HQ and Regional Offices. From 2009 to 2012, Dr Krech was the Director of the Department of Ethics and Social Determinants of Health, and the Director of the Department of Ethics, Equity, Trade and Human Rights at WHO in Geneva. Before joining WHO, he was in charge of German International Cooperation’s (GiZ) work on social protection from 2003-2009 both in its Headquarters in Eschborn near Frankfurt and in India. He has also held various management positions at the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe in Copenhagen in the fields of health systems, health policies, health promotion and ageing between 1992-2003. Dr Krech has studied educational sciences, medicine and public health and holds a doctoral degree in public health.