Reports on Gender Equality and Empowerment

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]UN Women’s Anti-trafficking Programme – A Baseline Study
This baseline study of UN Women’s anti-trafficking programme elaborates the theory of change that recognizes structural inequalities, vulnerabilities and lack of sustainable livelihoods as the chief causes of human trafficking and seeks to address these issues by making women aware of their rights, creating opportunities for growth and setting up community vigilance committees.

Understanding India’s Domestic Violence Act
Read this Resource Tool on how the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act (PWDVA) safeguards women’s right to justice through protection officers and NGOs. The tool also contains information about civil and criminal procedure laws.

Protecting Women – The Best Way
Though there is no uniformity in the practices being observed within Indian states to protect women from domestic violence, a number of them seem to be promising acts of change. Read about them in this best practices’ manual the PWDVA compiled by the Lawyers Collective Women’s Rights Initiative, supported by UN Women.

Staying Alive: Evaluating Court Orders
Legal action in cases of domestic violence has been compromised and diluted by the negative bias and prejudice of an important section of advocates, judges and government officials. These are some of the findings of this Sixth Monitoring and Evaluation Report of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act. Supported by UN Women, this was conducted by the Lawyers Collective Women’s Rights Initiative.

A Study of Delhi Police Helplines
How effective are police helplines? This study by Jagori, UN Women, UN Habitat and the Department of Women and Child Development, Delhi Government tries to understand the purpose of helplines, and studies the processes followed by the Delhi Police when it responds to hotlines (100 and 1091). It also seeks to explore how these helplines can cater to women’s needs and perceptions.

Lest More Girls Go Missing: Initiatives of UNFPA India to address Gender Biased Sex Selection
This publication captures the journey of UNFPA India reflecting upon the experiences of UNFPA in addressing the issue.

Trends in Sex Ratio at Birth and Estimates of Girls Missing at Birth in India (2001-2008)
The `sex ratio at birth` defined as the number of girls born for every 1000 boys born, is a more accurate and refined indicator of the extent of sex selection. This publication maps sex ratio at birth for India across different time periods and provides estimates of numbers of girls missing owing to gender biased sex selection.

Understanding Gender Biased Sex Selection: A Policy Brief
The policy brief succinctly provides information on various aspects of the issue – current scenario, implications on the society as a result of sex selection, existing laws to curb sex selection and actions to address this concern.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_btn title=”<< back to the previous page” align=”right” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2F64.94.164.18%2Fgender-equality-and-empowerment%2F|||”][/vc_column][/vc_row]