The United Nations Agencies, Funds and Programmes

1. Asia & Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT) of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)

APCTT is a Regional Institute of UNESCAP with a geographic focus of the entire Asia-Pacific region. The mandate of APCTT is to assist the members and associate members of UNESCAP through strengthening their capabilities to develop and manage national innovation systems; develop, transfer, adapt and apply technology; improve the terms of transfer of technology; and identify and promote the development and transfer of technologies relevant to the region. In this direction, the Centre has focused on three specific areas of activity: technology information; technology transfer; and innovation management, which are SME-oriented, Information Technology (IT)-powered, environmentally responsible and gender conscious.

APCTT Building
C-2, Qutab Institutional Area
New Delhi – 110 016
Tel: +91 11 30973700/1
Fax: +91 11 26856274

2. Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)

Achieving food security for all is at the heart of FAO’s efforts – to make sure people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives.FAO’s mandate is to raise levels of nutrition, improve agricultural productivity, better the lives of rural populations and contribute to the growth of the world economy.

55, Lodi Estate
New Delhi – 110 003
Tel: +91 11 46532202
Fax: + 91 11 24620115

 3. International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

IFAD, a specialized agency of the UN, was established as an international financial institution in 1977 as one of the major outcomes of the 1974 World Food Conference. One of the most important insights emerging from the conference was that the causes of food insecurity and famine were not so much failures in food production, but structural problems relating to poverty and to the fact that the majority of the developing world’s poor populations were concentrated in rural areas.

IFAD is dedicated to eradicating rural poverty in developing countries. Seventy-five per cent of the world’s poorest people — 1.4 billion women, children and men — live in rural areas and depend on agriculture and related activities for their livelihoods. Working with rural poor people, governments, donors, NGOs and many other partners, IFAD focuses on country-specific solutions, which can involve increasing rural poor peoples’ access to financial services, markets, technology, land and other natural resources.

2 PoorviMarg
New Delhi – 110 057
Tel:  +91 11 26150000
Fax: +91 11 26150019/46554055

 4. International Labour Organisation (ILO)

The ILO was founded in 1919 to bring governments, employers and workers together for united action in the cause of social justice and better living conditions everywhere. The most unique feature of the ILO is that it is the only UN entity with a tripartite structure where workers’ and employers’ representatives participate in its work on an equal footing with representatives of the governments. ILO’s mandate of social justice as the basis for peace is expressed today as Decent Work for all. Decent Work is recognized as a global goal, the promotion of which means striving for economic growth with equity, though a coherent blend of social and economic goals, to contribute to opportunities for all women and men to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and dignity.

Core 4B, 3rd Floor, India Habitat Centre
Lodi Road
New Delhi – 110 003
Tel:  +91 11 24602101-4
Fax: +91 11 24602111–en/index.htm

 5. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)

Through a series of goals, resolutions and declarations adopted by Member Nations ofthe UN, the world has a set of commitments, actions and goals to stop and reverse thespread of HIV and scale up towards universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care andsupport services.UNAIDS is an innovative partnership that leads and inspires the world inachieving universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.

11 Olof Palme Marg,
New Delhi – 110 057
Tel: +91 11 41354545
Fax: + 91 11 41354534

6. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

UNDP partners globally with all levels of society in more than 170 countries and territories where we operate. We offer global perspective and local insight to help empower lives and build resilient nations that can withstand crisis, and that drive and sustain growth that improves the quality of life for everyone. We call this people-centred approach “human development”.

55, Lodi Estate, New Delhi 110003
Tel: + 91 11 46532333

 7. United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)

UNESCAP is the regional development arm of the UN and serves as the main economic and social development centre for the UN in Asia and the Pacific. The mandate of UNESCAP is to foster cooperation between its 53 members and nine associate members.

Established in 1947 with its headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand, UNESCAP seeks to overcome some of the region’s greatest challenges. It carries out work in the following areas: macroeconomic policy and development, statistics, sub-regional activities for development, trade and investment, transport, environment and sustainable development, informationand communications technology and disaster risk reduction, social development.

ESCAP Sub-regional Office for South and South West Asia,
APCTT Building,
C-2 Qutab Institutional Area,
New Delhi 110016
Tel: +91 11 30973700/1
Fax: +91 11 26856274

8. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

As a specialized agency of the United Nations, UNESCO’s mission is to contribute to thebuilding of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and interculturaldialogue, through its work in education, the sciences, culture, communication andinformation. UNESCO’s strength is in the cooperation and networking with governments,UN entities, development partners, civil society organisations, communities andprofessionals. UNESCO is the only UN entity to have a system of National Commissionsin its Member and Associate States. UNESCO is the sole UN entity with a mandate to defendfreedom of expression and press freedom.

B- 5/29, Safdarjung Enclave
New Delhi 110029
Tel: + 91 11 26713000
Fax: + 91 11 26713001/2

9. United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

The mandate of UNFPA, as established by the United Nations Economic and Social Council(ECOSOC) in 1973 and reaffirmed in 1993, is: (1) to build the knowledge and the capacityto respond to needs in population and family planning; (2) to promote awareness in bothdeveloped and developing countries of population problems and possible strategies todeal with these problems; (3) to assist their population problems in the forms and meansbest suited to the individual countries’ needs; and (4) to assume a leading role in the UNSystem in promoting population programmes, and to coordinate projects supported bythe Fund.At the International Conference on Population and Development (Cairo, 1994) thesebroad ideas were fleshed out in greater detail and developed to give more emphasis tothe gender and human rights dimensions of population issues. UNFPA was given the leadrole in helping countries carry out the Programme of Action, which was adopted by 179governments at the Cairo Conference. Subsequent international agreements at ICPD+5,the Millennium Summit (2000) and the World Summit (2005) have linked UNFPA’s mandatewith specific, time-bound goals, and given greater emphasis to the Fund’s role in HIVprevention and poverty reduction.The three key areas of the UNFPA mandate – reproductive health, gender equality andpopulation and development strategies – are summarized in its Mission Statement.

55, Lodi Estate
New Delhi 110003
Tel: +91 11 46532224
Fax: +91 11 24628078

10. United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT)

UN-HABITAT is the UN entity for human settlements which is mandated by the UN GeneralAssembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with thegoal of providing adequate shelter for all. The main documents outlining the mandate ofthe organisation are the Vancouver Declaration on Human Settlements, Habitat Agenda,Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements, the Declaration on Cities and Other HumanSettlements in the New Millennium, and Resolution 56/206.

128, Media Campus
Tel: 0124 2565622

11. Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees was established on December 14, 1950 by the United Nations General Assembly. The agency is mandated to lead and co-ordinate international action to protect refugees and resolve refugee problems worldwide. Its primary purpose is to safeguard the rights and well-being of refugees. It strives to ensure that everyone can exercise the right to seek asylum and find safe refuge in another State, with the option to return home voluntarily, integrate locally or to resettle in a third country. It also has a mandate to help stateless people.

B2/16 VasantVihar,
New Delhi 110 057
Tel:  +91 11 43530444/43530422
Fax: +91 11 43530460/461

12. United Nations Information Centre (UNIC)

UNICs, Services and Offices located in 63 countries worldwide, link the UN with peoplearound the world, disseminating global UN messages to local audiences. The Centres serveas a reliable source of up-to-date information about the UN, delivering information in theirrespective countries to a wide range of people, including journalists, government officials,civil society representatives, students, educators and researchers.

55, Lodi Estate
New Delhi – 110 003
Tel: +91 11 46532240
Fax: +91 11 24620293

13. United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

UNICEF is mandated by the UN General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children’srights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach theirfull potential. UNICEF is guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child and strivesto establish children’s rights as enduring ethical principles and international standards ofbehaviour towards children. UNICEF mobilises political will and material resources to helpcountries, particularly developing countries, ensure a “first call for children” and to build theircapacity to form appropriate policies and deliver services for children and their families.UNICEF is committed to ensuring special protection for the most disadvantaged children – victims of war, disasters, extreme poverty, all forms of violence and exploitation and thosewith disabilities. UNICEF responds in emergencies to protect the rights of children.

73, Lodi Estate
New Delhi – 110 003
Tel:  +91 11 24690401
Fax: +91 11 24627521

14. United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO)

UNIDO is the specialized agency of the UN that promotes industrial development for povertyreduction, inclusive globalisation and environmental sustainability. UNIDO’s Regional Officefor South Asia acts to mobilise knowledge, information, skills and technology to promotecompetitive industry, productive employment and sound environment.

55, Lodi Estate
New Delhi – 110 003
Fax: +91 11 24620913

15. United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP)

The first group of UN military observers arrived in the mission area on 24 January 1949 tosupervise the ceasefire between India and Pakistan in the state of Jammu and Kashmir.These observers, under the command of the Military Adviser appointed by the UNSecretary-General, formed the nucleus of UNMOGIP.Following renewed hostilities of 1971, UNMOGIP has remained in the area to observedevelopments pertaining to the strict observance of the ceasefire of 17 December 1971and report thereon to the Secretary-General.

1AB PuranaQuila Road
Delhi 110001
Tel: +91 11 23385084

16. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

UNODC was established in 1997 as part of the UN reform combining the previous UN DrugControl Programme and the Centre for International Crime Prevention. The mandate ofthe Office is enshrined in UN conventions like the three UN Conventions on Drugs, the UNConvention against Transnational Organized Crime and its three Protocols on Trafficking inPersons, on Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air and on Illicit Manufacturing of andTrafficking in Firearms, the UN Convention against Corruption, the universal instrumentsagainst terrorism and the UN standards and norms in crime prevention and criminal justice.With the help of these instruments, UNODC helps Member States address illicit drugs, crimeand terrorism.

EP 16/17 Chandragupta Marg,
New Delhi – 110 021
Tel: +91 11 42225000/24104970-73
Fax: +91 11 24104962

17. United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

UNOPS’ mission is to expand the capacity of the UN system and its partners to implementpeace building, humanitarian and development operations that matter for people in need.Through a resolution adopted by the General Assembly in December 2010, UNOPS role asa central resource for the UN System in procurement and contracts management as wellas in civil works and physical infrastructure development, including the related capacitydevelopment activities was established.

138 Sunder Nagar,
New Delhi
Tel: +91 11 30417466/30417400
Fax: +91 11 24319142/24328400

18. United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women (UN Women)

In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women.In doing so, UN Member States took an historic step in accelerating the Organization’s goals on gender equality and the empowerment of women. The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform agenda, bringing together resources and mandates for greater impact.

19 – A, RajdootMarg
New Delhi 110021
Tel: +91 11 26119129/127
19.  World Food Programme (WFP)

WFP is the food aid arm of the United Nations system. Food aid is one of the many instruments that can help to promote food security, which is defined as access of all people at all times to the food needed for an active and healthy life. The policies governing the use of World Food Programme food aid must be oriented towards the objective of eradicating hunger and poverty. The ultimate objective of food aid should be the elimination of the need for food aid.

2 PoorviMarg
New Delhi – 110 057
Tel:  +91 11 26150000
Fax: +91 11 26150019

20.  World Health Organization (WHO)

WHO is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the UN System. Itis responsible for providing leadership on global health matters, shaping the healthresearch agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options,providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends.WHO is an inter-governmental organisation which works in collaboration with its memberstates with the objective of attainment by all people of the highest possible level of health.

533-35, A Wing NirmanBhavan
New Delhi
Tel:  +91 11 23061993/23061955
Fax: +91 11 23062450