UN Public Lecture Series

UN Public Lecture on Sustainable Development Begins with Education

Lecture by Kailash Satyarthi, Nobel Peace Laureate and Child Rights Activist on Tuesday, 1 December held at The Theatre, India Habitat Centre.

UN Public Lecture on Sustainable Energy to Secure Sustainable Future on 20 July 2015
Dr Kandeh Yumkella is the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Sustainable Energy for All and Chief Executive responsible for the planning and implementation of the Sustainable Energy for All initiative. He delivered the UN Public Lecture on Monday, 20 July at the India International Centre, New Delhi.

Education in the 21st Century must be Inclusive

“Education is probably the single most important function of human civilisation, not merely the formal education system but the broader question of educating human beings around the world. Recent breakthroughs in communication technology have given us immense possibilities in this regard,” says Dr. Karan Singh, Member of India’s Upper House of Parliament Rajya Sabha.

Delivering the United Nations Public Lecture in New Delhi, Dr. Karan Singh added, “Indians are heirs to one of the most powerful intellectual and educational traditions in human history, I refer to the first documented educational system in India, the Vedic-Upanishad system. Although it may have been confined to a rather small section of the population, it was an extremely potent and luminous system revolving around the method of passing on wisdom from the Rishi/Guru to the Shishya/Disciple.”

Addressing Climate Change and Sustainable Energy is Crucial to Meet India’s Energy Shortage

28 June 2014, New Delhi: “While India has made major progress in the supply of electricity and modern forms of energy, a large part of the population still lives in a state of energy deprivation,” said Dr. R.K. Pachauri, Director-General, The Energy and -Resources Institute (TERI) and Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Dr. Pachauri was delivering the third United Nations Public Lecture in New Delhi today. He said, “The challenge to provide energy access for all has to be seen in the context of the problem of human- induced climate change, the impacts of which would create very high vulnerability for India in a large variety of ways.”

The time to recognize domestic work as legitimate work is now

New Delhi, 01 March 2014: Delivering the second United Nations Public Lecture, Dr. Jayati Ghosh, Professor of Economics, Jawaharlal Nehru University called on India to ratify the ILO Domestic Workers Convention No. 189 that guarantees the fundamental rights of domestic workers to decent and secure work. Delivering the Lecture on ‘The Invisible Workers: Rights, Justice and Dignity for Domestic Workers’, Dr. Ghosh said, “No society can survive without the massive contribution that domestic work makes to national income.” Yet it remains largely invisible and undervalued, a reflection of the low value India places on social reproduction. 

Impunity and Immunity in Cases of Violence Against Women Continue to be the Norm

New Delhi, 25 November 2013: Delivering the inaugural United Nations Public Lecture, Ms. Indira Jaising, Additional Solicitor-General of the Supreme Court of India, urged authorities to help survivors of sexual assault to navigate the criminal justice system. Speaking in the presence of policy makers, representatives from the diplomatic community, civil society, students and media, Ms Jaising, the first woman to be appointed Additional Solicitor-General said, “The rates of judicial attrition continue to be high. The criminal justice system is not victim friendly and focuses on the rights of the accused alone. Much more can be done to guarantee the conviction of the accused in cases of sexual abuse. We need to ensure that the victim and her family are taken into confidence at every state of the decision-making process and in the sharing of information relating to the prosecution. We need to inspire confidence in the victim to continue with the proceedings.”