Youth Reports

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Youth Volunteers: Engaging Communities, Changing Lives
The publication aims to highlight volunteerism as one of the important universal strategies, which can promote the engagement of youth as valued participants in achieving sustainable development in a post-2015 world.


Addressing the Adolescence through Grassroots Comics
This manual is a collection of comics on the issues faced by adolescents in their daily lives. It is an outcome of a five-day workshop jointly organized by NCERT, UNFPA and World Comics India from 26-30 April 2012. The participants of the workshop were students and teachers of Central School and Navodaya Vidhyalaya of five states including Rajasthan, Odisha, Maharashtra, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh.

Learning Through Comics: Grassroots Comics Workshop Report
The publication is an outcome of a five-day training programme organized to raise awareness of students about the importance of life skills. It also helped participants understand the role of comics in mobilizing young people and communities and designing the community mobilization campaigns in rural areas.


Concurrent Evaluation of the Adolescence Education Programme (2010-11)

The report evaluates the Adolescence Education Programme that focuses on enhancing life skills to enable young people to tackle real life situations. The evaluation was conducted across 200 schools in five different states of India to assess adolescents’ knowledge, attitudes and abilities to apply life skills in the context of their health and well-being. It also assesses the knowledge and attitudes of teachers towards adolescents’ health and well-being.
[ Full Report ] [ Executive Summary ]

Adolescence Education Programme: Learning Together, Learning Better
This learning module developed for teachers, tutors and trainers aims to empower adolescents with important life skills such as effective communication skills, critical and creative thinking. It includes a range of activities that will not only help adolescents learn about the subject, but will also give them an opportunity to develop personal and social competencies.
