500,000 Voices At Global Citizen Festival In India Unite In A Call To Eradicate Extreme Poverty


On World Toilet Day, November 19, Mumbai played host to the first-ever Global Citizen Festival in India.

The star-studded event headlined by Coldplay drew 85,000 people to India’s financial hub and united many more through digital platforms, mobilising millions of young people to call for a more sustainable and inclusive future for all.

In the two months before the event, over 500,000 young Global Citizens in India took more than 2 million“actions” calling on government, faith leaders, business icons and celebrities to be more accountable on education, gender equality, water and sanitation.

Responding to this powerful demonstration of voice, leaders from across the spectrum in India in turn made 25 announcements and commitments through the festival. These pledges aim to impact 500 million lives through an investment of more than USD 5 billion.

Learn more about these exciting commitments here

So let’s keep up the momentum! Take a poll on the SDGs

The United Nations in India calls on you, Global Citizens, to join world leaders and make your voices heard. Participate in a poll on the SDGs and join millions from every corner of the country in voicing your priorities. Your voice will feed into the UN’s development programming with the Government of India for the next 5 years!

The new Goals call for all countries – poor, rich and middle income – to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. Ending poverty and fighting inequalities is at the heart of the SDG Agenda, and is to be achieved with strategies that promote economic growth and deliver on a range of urgent social needs like education, health, social protection, gender equality and job opportunities, while addressing climate change and environmental protection.

We are the first generation that can end poverty and the last that can end climate change.

Follow this link to take part in the SDG Poll via Facebook Messenger. Your voice will help policymakers address some of India’s most challenging problems. Add your voice now.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]