

We need to build a well balanced relationship between businesses and society, businesses and planet, businesses and Government: Suresh Prabhu, Minister of Commerce and Industry, Civil Aviation, Government of India

We need to build a well-balanced relationship between businesses and society, businesses and planet, businesses and Government.

A meaningful engagement of various stakeholders is much needed to bring about a sustainable change in our development sector: Dr. Sujeet Ranjan, CEO, Pirama Swasthya

Dr. Sujeet Ranjan, CEO of Pirama Swasthya on the importance of the role of businesses in achieving the SDGs.

Businesses need to contribute and make the SDGs a part of their business plan: Suresh Menon, HDFC

Suresh Menon, Member of Executive management at HDFC on the immediate need for businesses to contribute and make the SDGs a part of their business plan.

Businesses and achieving the SDGs go hand in hand: P. Pradeep, Executive Director, Aavishkaar

P. Pradeep, Executive Director of Aavishkaar businesses and SDGs going hand in hand.

The complex problems that are a part of the SDGs can be solved only by bringing in some of the outcome focus that businesses tend to bring: Govind Sankaranarayanan, Tata Capital

Govind Sankaranarayanan, Chief Operating Officer of Tata Capital on the solving complex problems of the SDGs by involving businesses.

Second annual UN India Business Forum: From funding to financing

India is growing, stronger and faster than ever before! Creative partnerships between governments, citizens and businesses will be key to unlocking the SDGs, for India and the world.

No individual business is in a position to be completely effective on its own. Partnerships are very crucial: Anirban Ghosh, Chief Sustainability Officer, Mahindra Group

Anirban Ghosh, Chief Sustainability Officer of Mahindra Group on sustainable business models at the second annual UN India Business Forum.

From social responsibility to corporate sustainability

Connecting consumers to sustainable products

Tata group launches report on its contribution towards SDGs

Development solutions that make social and business sense: Anirban Ghosh

Providing the government and private sector a platform to come together: Lalit Kumar Gupta

Businesses and government need to work together: Nadir Godrej

Driving sustainable growth in India
