International Labour Organization (ILO)


In India since: 1928

About: The International Labour Organization (ILO) is the United Nations agency for the world of work. It sets international labour standards, promotes rights at work and encourages decent employment opportunities, the enhancement of social protection and the strengthening of dialogue on work-related issues.  The ILO has a unique tripartite structure bringing together governments, employers’ and workers’ representatives. ILO’s mandate of social justice as the basis for peace is expressed today as Decent Work for all. Decent Work is recognized as a global goal, the promotion of which means striving for economic growth with equity, though a coherent blend of social and economic goals, to contribute to opportunities for all women and men to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and dignity.

Watch the film ‘ILO at Work

Location:  New Delhi, India

Focus Areas: Child Labour, Employment Promotion, Equality and Discrimination, Green jobs, Informal Economy, International Labour Standards, Labour migration, Safety and health at work, Skills and employability, Social security, Workers’ and Employers’ Organizations

Nodal Ministry: Ministry of Labour and Employment

Flagship Publication/s: World of Work Reports


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