United Nations Volunteers (UNV)

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In India since: 1999

About: The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme contributes to peace and development through volunteerism worldwide. UNV works with partners to integrate qualified, highly motivated and well supported UN Volunteers into development programming and promote the value and global recognition of volunteerism. UNV is active in around 130 countries every year. With Field Presence in over 80 countries, UNV is represented worldwide. UNV is administered by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and reports to the UNDP Executive Board.

Location: New Delhi

Focus Areas: Youth; Women empowerment; Access to Justice for marginalized; Physical and Mental Health; Disability; Child protection; Education; Community Resilience to Climate Change & Disaster Risks; Nature conservation and biodiversity;  Good Governance; The Post-2015 Agenda;  Support in refugee status determination and protection;

Nodal Ministry: Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports

Flagship Publication/s:  UNV Annual Report, State of World Volunteerism Report, Sustainable Development Goals: Information and guidance for volunteer organizations.

Website: http://www.in.undp.org/content/india/en/home/operations/UNV

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